“Leshy led him to a meadow. It was a different place at night: sweetly damp and singing. For the first time in his life, Ashley saw the flowers all shut up, the spider webs that just might last long enough to hold the morning's dew, and the katydids that filled the night with their loud guiro song. And he was almost free, but he could still feel the sting of the night, the moon's glare, the dreadful watching of all that was dark and far away. It burned at the stem of his brain like a little black star pulsing.”

Published as part of a two volume anthology on cryptids. Regardless of what I want to write, most of my stories end up being about love. Eros is often the god who gets me.

Purchase the book from the Dragon Roost Press store.


Paracosm of Snow and Ice


Note from the House of the Zodiac